Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hedy Lamarr

Today I read an article reviewing a book about Austria-Hungary-born actress Hedy Lamarr.  Now, I'm sure that I have seen her before, but I didn't know much anything about Lamarr.  In the article, one sentence in particular really caught my eye:  "She didn't drink and she didn't like to party, so she took up inventing."  How cool is that?  Sounds like me.  I don't drink.  The only parties I like are ones with a lot of food and where the average age is about 60, and I love inventing things (retractable hanger, anyone?)
My interests are so varied/old that it's no surprise I'm always attracted to the girls who are much different than everyone else.  The fact that Lamarr loved inventing is so attractive to me.  I can picture her sitting at a desk with her hair pulled up working on a new idea.  Until next time, I'm off to go work on my hanger.

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