Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Just Called to Say Jag Älskar Dig

I don't particularly care for Valentine's Day.  The whole idea that you show somebody how much you love them by going to dinner or buying them chocolates on a certain day seems a bit off the mark to me.  I think giving somebody flowers on a day other than Valentine's Day makes more of an impact than going through the motions on said "holiday."  You should not need a day to profess your love for someone.  I do love chocolate, though, so I welcome all cocoa bean products.

My mother always gives us little candies for Valentine's Day. A simple tissue with red ribbon holds the chocolates.

I did not eat chocolate for A WHOLE DAY so that my stomach would be able to handle all of this.

This is one of the cards that my mother sent to people for Valentine's Day. She made the card using fabric and various types of paper. One thing I do support on Valentine's Day is sending cards. Sending cards and notes is something that should be done more.

 I was supposed to work tonight but I haven't been feeling well, so somebody picked up my shift. My night will consist of eating the rest of my chocolate and watching NCIS and New Girl (my "new" favorite show).

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